Pluspetrol – Libro de Nuestra Selva (The Book of Our Jungle)
Expertos en diseño editorial, expertos en diseño gráfico, expertos en naming y branding. Diseño de packaging. Expertos en estrategia digital para Reportes de Sostenibilidad. Expertos en diagramacion de Reporte de Sostenibilidad. Desde diseñar un logo hasta implementar el branding integral, Brigada te acompaña a paso firme.
Brigada es una agencia creativa de diseño en Perú.
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Title Image

Pluspetrol – Libro de Nuestra Selva (The Book of Our Jungle)

Pluspetrol – Libro de Nuestra Selva (The Book of Our Jungle)

In commemoration of the International Year of Indigenous Languages, Pluspetrol launched a collection of stories called “The Book of Our Jungle”. There were four books, two written in the Matsigenka language and two in the Yine language, whose main purpose is to preserve, revitalize and promote their cultures. We are very happy to have been part of this initiative!


Art direction, Editorial, Print