We are Brigada
Expertos en diseño editorial, expertos en diseño gráfico, expertos en naming y branding. Diseño de packaging. Expertos en estrategia digital para Reportes de Sostenibilidad. Expertos en diagramacion de Reporte de Sostenibilidad. Desde diseñar un logo hasta implementar el branding integral, Brigada te acompaña a paso firme.
Brigada es una agencia creativa de diseño en Perú.
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We are Brigada

A battalion of ideas with high creative potential, ready to deliver our maximum effort in every project we are commissioned. At Brigada we move forward steadily and at the same pace.
What we do

From the beginning we were two creatives sharing the same goal: to form a design agency with a vision of orderly work. Together with the talent of our brigade, we traced an efficient path in which we deliver creative solutions to whoever needs them.

See projects
Our emblem

The years have taught us that commitment and creativity are non-negotiable. We make each project our own, without neglecting the essence of the brand behind it. We know what it takes to achieve the best result and we don’t stop until we get it.

Our process

We use advanced tools such as design thinking, user experience, creative brief, strategic planning, integral method for creating visual identity and brand manual, multi-platform design technique and much more.

Our commitment

We bet on being the creative area of our clients, each project is unique for our team. This reflects our belief that great design cannot happen without creativity, intelligence and, above all, personal commitment, and is demonstrated by a portfolio built on the recommendation of our clients to others, we serve many industries and clients of all sizes.


customers served


projects developed


years of experience


cups of coffee