Expertos en diseño editorial, expertos en diseño gráfico, expertos en naming y branding. Diseño de packaging. Expertos en estrategia digital para Reportes de Sostenibilidad. Expertos en diagramacion de Reporte de Sostenibilidad. Desde diseñar un logo hasta implementar el branding integral, Brigada te acompaña a paso firme.
Brigada es una agencia creativa de diseño en Perú.
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Wealth, culture and quality were our pillars for the construction of the naming and brand identity of Inkapu, a company that exports the best agricultural products of Peru. We know that positioning a country brand in a foreign market is not an easy task, so we took on this task with a lot of responsibility, but also with a great desire to make a difference! We focus on enhancing Peruvian identity and our history in a solid and elegant way, so that the Inka spirit that represents us so much is transmitted through each label and packaging.


Brand identity, Illustration, Naming, Packaging, Print